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基于利率互换的公宁波安全教育平台登录 司融资选择

更新日期:2016-06-03 01:36:45来源:网络点击:339089
一、 研究背景
利率互换是利率风险管理的常用衍生工具之一,跟其它衍生证券一样,它可以通过利息支付影响公司的未来现金流。在早期的利率互换模型中, Interest rate s
2.Titman,S. Interest rate s
3.Li,H., Mao,C.X. Corporate use of interest rate s
4.Saunders.K.T. The interest rate s
5. Interest rate s6. Alternative explanation of interest rate s
7.Litzenberger, R.H. S
8.Haper,J.T., An empirical test of agency cost reduction using interest rate s
9.Samant, A. An empirical study of the agency theory and information asymmetry explanations of the use of interest rate s76-112.
10.Samant, A. An empirical study of interest rate s
11.Smith, C., The market for interest rate s
12.Smith,C.M. The determinants of firms' hedging policies. Journal of Financial Quantitative Analysis, 1985,20:391-405.
13.Kuprianov.A. The role of interest rate s


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