
来源:网络 更新日期:2024-05-03 15:52 点击:17115

知识点疑惑描述:RT最佳知识点讲解:lady's man —— yananmaoLover of the public or Populace sweetheart —— sky7585278'LADY'S MAN'or'Mass Lover' 加一条给你,不要钱,“白马王子”是Prince Charming,与之相对应的是Princess Charming,梦中情人。 —— 悦悦2011people's lover是直译,大众情人的正确翻译应该是lady's man. —— 小瑶仔坚强的理由

知识点疑惑描述:要完整地一张 表最佳知识点讲解:参见我自己创建的韩语小组:http://bulo.yeshj.com/group/topic/265446/http://com/lk/flmovie/bas6_1.swf —— steve982927坚强的理由

知识点疑惑描述:人名中的翟怎么读?さいさん?日文没这个字吧最佳知识点讲解:zai —— englishiloveZHAI 二声 —— 千岁武儿ZHAI 楼上的对 —— HAMMYFISHたく或者チャイ —— vanhelen〈姓〉翟?チャイ. —— bitcジャイ —— jessica_df翟 てき/きじ需要把IME的那个一般的般改成人名才能打得出来或者按照音译的话可能是ジャイ —— yupp 【zhái】21525049〈姓〉翟?チャイ. —— flower123さいさん —— qiqi2212坚强的理由

知识点疑惑描述:如题。最佳知识点讲解:都是“不”的意思,没有语义的区别。nope 非常口语化,一般不出现在书面语中。读的时候“p”的音可以故意夸张些,显出俏皮。 —— moccaloverNope是口语化的词,一般不出现在书面语言中。与No在意思上都一样,表达否定。 —— zsjsll001坚强的理由

知识点疑惑描述:US recovery under threat from sub-prime loan crisis, says IMFGary Duncan, Economics Editor The fall-out from America’s sub-prime mortgage market and the tightening financial conditions that it has triggered could jeopardise prospects for a revival in the American economy next year, the International Monetary Fund said last night. The US outlook remains favourable, It said that US gro The mortgage market disruption “could extend the housing do At the same time, the report suggested that the Federal Reserve might find itself boxed-in over responding to such difficulties It noted that consumer spending “continued to gro The fund’s main forecast is no The IMF also rene IMF表示,美国这个世界上最大的经济体前景仍然良好,可以看到其目前房屋市场不景气引发的低迷将会实现“软着陆” ,紧接着明年会反弹In its annual healthcheck of US economic conditions, ho 它说美国坚强的理由