
来源:网络 更新日期:2024-05-08 15:18 点击:17034

知识点疑惑描述:例如:"这种话怎么可以这么随随便便的说出口"最佳知识点讲解:想到的两种表达法。1.こういう話、軽く口にするんじゃないよ。2.こういう話、安易に言うんじゃない。 —— sayen気軽に  轻松愉快,舒畅;爽快;随随便便 —— 艳艳88373922こんな話、勝手に言うな。 —— flower123上楼的语气好像有点重 —— wang65ying地铁族

知识点疑惑描述:鸿门宴在英语里该怎么翻译呢?谢谢最佳知识点讲解:Hongmen banquet--a feast or meeting set up as a trap for the invited —— Crane0124地铁族

知识点疑惑描述:求motor Meaning : a Ahigh 4) Free **** 有別于 Tollway , Freeway 不收銭滴. —— Nichibaby地铁族

知识点疑惑描述:http://net/blog/UploadFile/2006-12/1229833622.mp3最佳知识点讲解:Mommy told me something A little kid should know It’s all about the devil And I learned to hate him so She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room He’ll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Smilers never lose And Frowners never win So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Open up your heart and let the sun shine in When you are unhappy The devil wears a grin But oh he starts to run in When the light comes prowling in I know he’ll be unhappy Cause I’ll never wear a frown Maybe if we keep on smiling He’ll get tired of hanging ’round If I forget to say my prayers The devil jumps with glee But he feels so awful awful When he sees me on my knees So if you feel of trouble地铁族

知识点疑惑描述:出货时间是PromptShipment,什么意思最佳知识点讲解:即期货运 —— tanghaixiong即刻装运 —— kuangkuang00地铁族