
来源:网络 更新日期:2024-05-19 22:41 点击:16590

知识点疑惑描述:remember的所有用法.最佳知识点讲解:1) remember to do sth. 记住要做某事。如:  Remember to post the letter for me.记住给我邮这封信。2) remember doing sth. 记得做过某事。如:  I remember seeing him once. 我记得见过他一次。  A: Remember to invite Tom to your birthday party. 记住邀请汤姆参加你的生日聚会。  B: I remememed inviting him this morning, but he to recall to the mind by an act or effort of memory; think of again: I'll try to remember the exact date.2. to retain in the memory; keep in mind; remain a to have come into the mind again: I just remembered that it's your birthday today.4. to bear in mind as deserving a gift, re to give a tip, donation, or gift to: to remember the needy.6. to mention to another as sending kindly greetings: Remember me to your family.7. to perform at a later time or according to a preset schedule: The coffeepot remembers to start the coffee at 7 a.m. every day.8. Archaic. to remind.–verb 9. to possess or exercise the faculty of memory.10. to have recollection : The old man remembers of his youth. —Related formsre·mem·ber·a·ble, adjective re·mem·ber·er, noun —Synonyms Remember, recall, recollect refer to bringing back before the conscious mind things Recall implies a voluntary effort, though not a great one: to recall the —AntonymsForget. —— dubweiser图尔格

知识点疑惑描述:on board 当入职讲怎么用,它是个什么词性最佳知识点讲解:on board就是on the job 介词短语比如你第一天上班,上司对你说:We're all glad you're on board now. —— 飛鳥川一楼对的,介词短语做形容词性质的宾语。 —— xbnz22介词短语 —— 尼艾尼图尔格

知识点疑惑描述:你好吗?用日语怎么说阿?最佳知识点讲解:いかがですか。お元気ですか。... —— 晨非儿元気ですか —— licywang图尔格

知识点疑惑描述:right的 同音词是什么最佳知识点讲解:write —— 江山如画豪杰write 写作的意思。I write a article.我写一篇文章。 —— tomingswrite —— 唯爱傑Wright, write —— yjhjerry621write 写 的意思 —— 粉乖仙子wright —— loveicecreamwrite —— 王姿雅write —— 王茁涵图尔格

【退欧与否 美元美股难免一场“鸡飞蛋打”】英国退欧公投不仅在近期主宰了美国股市和汇市走势,甚至成为美联储加息决议的考虑因素之一。(一财网)   英国退欧公投不仅在近期主宰了美国股市和汇市走势,甚至成为美联储加息决议的考虑因素之一。全球外汇交易系统(Global Trading System)董事总经理兼外汇交易全球主管乔瓦尼?皮列特里(Giovanni Pilliterri)在接受第一财经专访时表示,全球央行都在密切关注退欧公投的进展,并采取了一些预防措施。若英国退欧,美元汇率将大幅走高;即便投票结果是“留欧”,美元汇率出现回调的同时,基于其避险资产地位也将带来大幅汇市波动,从而成为美股震荡的催化剂。  保险企业都在英国和欧洲有庞大的业务。一旦退欧,这些企业的风险暴露极大。即便投票结果是留欧,若票数非常接近,这些行业也将在一段时间内承压。  当然,也有一些企业对退欧完全免疫,例如消费者必需品和食品行业。但金融业、保险业和大型科技企业面临的风险较大。 (责任编辑:DF302)图尔格