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桎梏的英文:shackle参考例句:The strait-jacket of repressive taxation苛捐杂税的桎梏.theocracy and the fetters of religion政教合一,宗教桎梏沉重。Superstition is a great shackle on men's minds.迷信是人们思想的一大桎梏。The shackles 桎梏,羁绊用来约束的事物;束缚At last the Norse yoke 他所执教是一所规模很小的大学,他想摆脱存在於其中的地方主义桎梏。He 手铐,束缚,卸扣v. 给...带上手铐或脚镣,束缚Ships' s列车的车厢被链子连着。They tried to quit themselves of the shackles of metaphysics.他们尽力设法摆脱形而上学的枷锁。If you're a swift horse, honest is not the shackle that durance you.如果你是一匹千里马,忠诚不是禁锢你的脚镣。到沪江小D查看桎梏的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:挚友的英文怎么说>>挚爱用英语怎么说>>治愈的英文怎么说>>治学的英文怎么说>>治水的英文>>国富论

一.过去进行时选择填空:1. .. doing B. . doing C. did .. do D. had ... done2. ____ you ______ a meeting at four yesterday afternoon ?A. . having B. . having C. Did ... have D. Do ... have3. A: I called you at about half past eight last night , but nobody ansA. His family _____ TV from ten to t had Li Lei ______ a letter to his friend last night .A. A: Hi , Lin Tao . I didn’t see you at the party .B: Oh, I ________ ready for the maths exam .A. am getting B. have got7. A: I called you yesterday evening ,but there A.have B.had C. I _____ a football game.A. have am You must tell us did B. A. A: Ho is … has rainedC. is … is raining D. A. picked, picked, She _____ the room doesn’t clean B. isn’t cleaning C. didn’t cleaning D. A . are having D. is having15. I ____ an old friend of mine m国富论

桃子的英文:peach参考例句:luscious peaches甘美多汁的桃子 a scrumptious peach可口的桃子the fuzz on a peach.桃子上的绒毛Skin the peaches by blanching them.把桃子焯一下去皮。Peaches 桃子的中心有一个核。Peaches are gro感觉到桃子丝绒般的光滑Peaches are often packed in cans for the market.桃子常被装在罐内投放市场。The flesh of the peach 桃子,极好的人,桃红色adj. 桃色的v. 告密,告发luscious peaches甘美多汁的桃子 This is an unblemished peach.这是一个没有瑕疵的梨。It occasionally produces luscious peaches. 它有时会结出些甘甜的桃子来。 The peach trees blossom in April. 桃树在四月开花。It was the biggest peach pick in years. 这次摘的桃子是今年收获量最大的一次。 到沪江小D查看桃子的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:桃色新闻的英文怎么说>>桃李满天下的英文怎么说>>桃李不言下自成蹊的英文怎么说>>桃李的英文怎么说>>桃花的英文怎么说>>国富论

Teenagers Arin Andre 奥林-安德鲁和凯蒂-希尔看上去是对儿普通的穿着泳装的青少年情侣。很难相信两年前奥林还是个叫做埃默拉德的女孩,而凯蒂则是名为卢克的男生。Arin, 17, and Katie, 19, have both undergone surgeries to change their gender and no No5万美元供她做变性手术。奥林现在还在上学,几年前做手术除掉乳房,还会很骄傲地炫耀自己的男性体格。Katie and Arin met nearly t But no Katie added: 'Being transgender myself, I understand Arin probably better than anybody else, ho Arin's mum Denise Andre Every transgender person 'He said: ''I pictured you as a girl, and I can't do it anymore,''' said Arin, adding: 'You can't just force people to be your friends.' 奥林成男孩后也交了几个男性朋友,但当他们知道奥林过去是个女孩后便不再来往。奥林说:“有个人说:‘我以前只觉得你像个女的,但现在我再也不这样想了。’”他还补充道:“但你不能逼别人成为你的朋友。”Katie started her degree course at an Oklahoma university last autumn but 国富论

聒噪的英文:clamorous; noisy参考例句:It 邻桌那声音飞快地聒噪下去,尽管周围吵成一团,还是听得分明。clamorous是什么意思:adj. 吵闹的The citizens raised a clamor for reform.市民高声呐喊要求改革。They are clamorous for better pay.他们吵吵嚷嚷要求增加工资。The clamor did not subside so simply.喧闹没有那么容易地消散。 noisy是什么意思:adj. 喧闹的,嘈杂的n. 响声;嘈杂声The night 嘈杂声逐渐静下来。 The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.城里的交通噪声总是使城市居民烦恼。到沪江小D查看聒噪的英文翻译>>国富论