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付出沉重代价的英文:pay a heavy pricepay是什么意思:n. 工资,薪金;报偿;惩罚v. 付钱给;偿还;给予;致以;报偿;付款;值得You have to pay storage.你须缴纳保管费。Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash.请付现金,除非使用信用卡。..的;危险的;沉闷的;严厉的n. 保镖;苦啤酒a truck; a heavy duty truck载重汽车 Light Burdens far heavy远途无轻担An elephant has a heavy build. 大象躯体庞大。 price是什么意思:n. 价格,价值;代价v. 给…定价;问…的价格Prices are advancing.各种物价都在上涨。The price is outrageous.价钱高得吓人。Prices are on the rise.价格在上涨。到沪江小D查看付出沉重代价的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:付出的英文怎么说>>讣告的英文怎么说>>父兄的英文怎么说>>父亲的英文怎么说>>父母亲的英文怎么说>>固体饮料

負担的英文:a burden; an encumbrance; a load; the onusburden是什么意思:n. 负担;责任v.使烦恼;使负担Light Burdens far heavy远途无轻担The Burden on likes is cheerfully Borne爱挑的担子,就愉快轻松They 累赘;妨碍She is a lady 玛格达莱娜把过去看作毫不相干的累赘。1.burdensome; cumbersome; 2. 负载,工作量;装载量;大量;胡说八道;供电量v. 装载;装入;大量给予;写入,存储Substation transformer load balancing and load monitoring变电站变压器负荷平衡和负荷监测lumber load capacit木材装载量 DFL 满载吃水装载量 到沪江小D查看負担的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:复制文化的英文怎么说>>复制品的英文>>复制的英文怎么说>>复杂指令集计算机的英文怎么说>>复杂性的英文怎么说>>固体饮料

同时进行的英文:go hand in hand参考例句:The test of each item can be carried out individually or in-group.每一个验收项目可以单独进行,也可以成组同时进行。All assets should be valued at the same date 我以前试过这些治疗方案的大多数,但从未同时进行。Unlike conventional computers, they usually have more than one CPU, often functioning in parallel .与传统计算机不同,超级计算机通常有不止一个中央处理器,且同时进行同样的工作。Desizing, scouring, and bleaching of man- made fibers may be combined in some finishing operations.人造丝织物的退浆、煮练、漂白可以与某引起整理工艺同时进行。The parasites have an extremely complex life cycle; in one stage they develop synchronously inside red blood cells.寄生虫有一个极复杂的生活史:其中一个步骤同红血球的生长同时进行。The attraction of atomic emission techniques is that they provide a means for simultaneous multi-element analysis原子发射技术的长处在于它是一种能同时进行多元素分析的方法。到沪江小D查看同时进行的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:同时用英文怎么说>>同声传译员的英文怎么说>>同声的英文怎么说>>同上的英文怎么说>>同仁用英文怎么说>>固体饮料

手雷的英文:antitank grenade 参考例句:The grenade bounced off their shields, and harmlessly detonated in the air.手雷被它们的护盾弹开,在空中毫无伤害的爆炸。Grenades across the forest 对抗战车用的Anti-tank History begs to differ在应用电脑制控的反坦克导弹和雷达监测卫星的时代里,战争很容易被看作为一场技术上的竞争。历史却未敢苟同 In an age of computer-guided antitank missiles and radar By spy satellites, it is tempting to see 在应用电脑制控的反坦克导弹和雷达监测卫星的时代里,战争很容易被看作为一场技术上的竞争。历史却未敢苟同。 Vast intricate systems of fortifications, defended localities, and anti-tank obstacles, block-houses, pillboxes and the like, laced the 扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击A second grenade 游击队用手榴弹袭击了巡逻队。The grenade bounced off their shields, and harmlessly detonated in the air.手雷被它们的护盾弹开,在空中毫无伤害的爆炸。One of the soldiers jumped from the truck and lobbed a grenade固体饮料

流水线的英文:production-linestream lineassembly lineprogressive assembly linepipelinepipelining参考例句:The production process of this assembly line has beendesigned 生产小汽车的流水线A ne多产的农田;他的多产年;多产的合著。 The products are of poverty.这批产品质量很差。Mechanic Products机械产品学 line是什么意思:n. 线条,界线,路线;条纹;排;铁路线;生产线;台词;态度;防线;前线v. 用线标出,划线于;使布满纹络;加衬里于;排队,排列成行This is a lined trunk. 这是一个有衬里的箱子。 They are politically in line.他们在政治上意见一致。On a map there are horizontal lines and vertical lines.在地图上有水平的线和垂直的线。stream是什么意思:n. 小河,溪;潮流;流,股;一连串;班,组v. 飘扬;流;涌进,涌出;照射;按能力分班Droplets become streams,and streams,rivers大江不舍细流The stream splits into three smaller streams at this point.这条溪在这里分岔出三条小溪。The small streams rise when the main stream is high; when the main stream is low, the small streams nm dry.大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干。到沪江小D查看流水线的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:流水的的英文怎么说>>流水的英文怎么说>>流逝的英文>>流失文物的英文怎么说>>流失的英文怎么说>>固体饮料