
来源:网络 更新日期:2024-05-06 22:10 点击:16205

正品的英文:quality goods参考例句:Not spurious or counterfeit;authentic.真的,正品的非伪造的,非假冒的;真正的quality是什么意思:n.1. 性质;特性2. 品德,品质3. 质量;品级;优质4. 身份,地位,作用5.【古】高位;显赫的社会地位;贵族,上流人士6.【古】成就,才艺,本领7. 音色,音质;【语】音值8. 色品,色泽的鲜艳性;色饱和度9.【逻】质10.【主英】/imagequalityindication像质指示器The quality of the computers are good ||The quality of the computers is good这些计算机的质量良好IQC Incoming quality control来料检验 To lo 商品,货物;动产,私人财产A good appetite is a good sauce饥不择食The prompt goods have good qualities. 当场付款的物品质量不错。Be not simply good; be good for something.不要单纯做个好人,还要做个能派上用场的人。Have a good mind很想…Good gracious, no!天哪,不!到沪江小D查看正品的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:正片的英语怎么说>>正派的英文怎么说>>正念的英文怎么说>>正黏液病毒科的英文怎么说>>正面投球法的英文怎么说>>围棋少年

橄榄的英文:oliveolives参考例句:Extract oil from olives,sunflo那支橄榄球队的吉祥物是山羊。Richard is the captain of the football team.理察是这个橄榄球队的队长。A moderate yello 橄榄球员相互猛撞。Stick an olive on a toothpick.把一枚橄榄扎在牙签上。The olives are crushed to a pulp by stone rollers.橄榄被石磙碾成了酱。 橄榄色的;橄榄的amanthrene olive阿曼士林橄榄绿 press oil from olives榨取橄榄油 Hold out the olive Branch建议讲和olives是什么意思:n. 橄榄amanthrene olive阿曼士林橄榄绿 press oil from olives榨取橄榄油 Hold out the olive Branch建议讲和到沪江小D查看橄榄的英文翻译>>围棋少年

采花大盗的英文:playboyplayboy是什么意思:n. 花花公子After the playboy married, he steadied do透过镜子,他看到一个穿得花花绿绿,浅薄庸俗的花花公子。He got in 他创办了一档电视节目,开设了第一个“花花公子俱乐部”,并在自己的出生地芝加哥购买了第一座“花花公子”山庄。 到沪江小D查看采花大盗的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:采購的英文怎么说>>采购站的英文怎么说>>采购员的英文怎么说>>采购学的英文怎么说>>采购商的英文怎么说>>围棋少年

大家元旦过得如何?有没有跟家人和朋友分享快乐的气氛呢?在美国,感恩节到元旦这段时间我们叫 Holiday Season,也就是节日季,因为在一个多月的时间内我们要过3个大节日:感恩节,圣诞节,还有元旦。在 holiday season 的时候,是必然要喝上点酒的。今天我们来讨论如何表达喝醉酒!Tipsy DogsYou'll need the leash to keep them from stumbling.我们这两只小狗狗是不是看起来已经喝上几杯了而且有点醉醺醺的呢?它们这种状态有几种方式来表达。Tipsy前几年有首歌来自美国说唱歌手Chingy 叫 Everybody in the Club Getting' Tipsy. Tipsy 在美语口语中就是喝醉的意思。这首歌的名字就是“大家在酒吧喝醉酒”。为什么我们喝醉的时候会用 tipsy 来形容呢?其实 tip 也有翻倒的意思。喝醉酒过的朋友们都知道喝了点就都会感觉晕晕的,眼睛迷迷糊糊的,路也走不直。人可能容易翻倒,所以我们会说这个人很 tipsy。Oh shit, I'm feeling a little tipsy right no 我喝了几小杯的伏特加酒就感觉有点小醉咯!Wasted在衡量一个人醉到什么程度的时候,wasted 就是最高的了。Wasted 就是一个人完全喝了个烂醉。都无法自己走路,需要人扶着走。Wasted 的人往围棋少年

来自于中国本土的创作团队 ethnic groupsThough China is officially an atheist country,its religious roots lie HistoryChina is one of the This period also saThe modern China of today is as much shaped by its past as its rapidly looking to the future.LanguageChinese Chinese characters evolved over time from earlier forms of hieroglyphs. Chinese contains over 40,000 characters,but a This is the year of the rabbit.Chinese neOn the Eve of Chinese NeEarly the next morning,children YouthMost married couples in China are subjected to one child policy,Another consequence of the policy has been the emergence of so called "little emperors",a generation of self-centered consumers has developed..Due to the propensity for preferring sons over daughters,China is facing a large population imbalance EconomySince economic opening up and reform policy began in 1978,China's economy h围棋少年