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不能的英文:cannotmust notshould not参考例句:They had some trouble once over a halter, and, both being good haters, there 因为水质不纯净,所以不能饮用。Alas, she could not judge.可惜她不能作主。If love and friendship can't be together, I 不能一概而论。immune to persuasion.不能被说服的Scratch a Russian, and you find a Tartar.文明不能改变本性。An oak is not felled at one stroke万事不能一蹴而就The 不能,无法This achievement cannot be bettered.这一成就好得不能再好了。If you have a bad cold you cannot taste.如果患了重感冒,就尝不出味道。 The received 必须,必然要n. 必须做的事,必不可少的事物adj. 不可或缺的,必须的 你必须综合各方面的意见。You must not relax your efforts.你不可以松懈你的努力。should是什么意思:aux.v. 应该,应当;本应,本当;假如,万一;可能,可以Should there be a flood, 你应体谅他的年轻。 到沪江小D查看不能的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:不难看出的英文怎么说>>不难的英文怎么说>>不耐用用英文怎么说>>不那么的英文怎么说>>不明觉厉的英文怎么说>>四字成语

实力雄厚的英文:tremendous strength; enormous potentiality参考例句:The po 极大的,巨大的;极好的;极度的Mean 该剧极为叫座。 力量;长处;勇气;强度Union is strength团结就是力量Union is strength.团结就是力量。Maximum crushing strength 抗压极限强度enormous是什么意思:adj. 巨大的,庞大的In this period, the cost 他支付了一大笔款项。The right words help enormously.正确地用词起着巨大的作用。 到沪江小D查看实力雄厚的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:实力相等的英文怎么说>>实力的英文怎么说>>实况调查的英文怎么说>>实况的英文怎么说>>实据用英文怎么说>>四字成语

近日,昂立中高考名师吴争老师做客沪江,为同学们全面分析、讲解了中考语法之宾语从句,下面是本次公开课的音频,错过的同学们快来回顾吧!想更加了解老师?或是想与老师进一步交流?赶快进入老师部落吧>>>☆☆ 公开课绝密讲义☆☆ 1、宾语从句的渊源,宾语和宾语从句例句1:I opened the door.主语 普通动词 宾语The door 是open 的对象宾语:动作的对象例句2:I told you a story.You,a story 都是told 的对象2个宾语,双宾语例句3:I told you that I 是told 的对象that I 是一句句子【定义】宾语从句:一句句子作宾语I think that you are right.2、宾语从句难点:1、连接词的选用2、语序问题3、时态的呼应4、特殊句式5、形式宾语2.1 连接词选择Mike said that he I 疑问代词和疑问副词引导的宾语从句1. 公式法:特殊疑问词+主语+谓语+其他2. 代入法:把一个答案代入连接词位置 形成主语+谓语+宾语格式Do you kno2.3 宾语从句的时态对应当主句是过去的时态,从句的时态要变为相应的过去时态复习特殊句式Doubt? Do you doubt that he can speak English?Not doubt? sure ?I am not sure 2.5 It 形式宾语主语+cons四字成语

6.2  "……某事值得被做"The question is not 3. A. 由worth的用法可知,此句只适合词组be worth-while to do sth.。因此选C。四字成语

美国《独立宣言》中英文对照The Declaration of IndependenceIN CONGRESS, JULY 4,1776 THE UNANIMOUSDECLARATION OF THETHIRTEEN UNITEDSTATES OF AMERAICA That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among them, deriving their just po Prudence, indeed, Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is no To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid He has forbidden his Governors to pass laHe has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance He has refused for a long time, after such dissolution, to cause others to be elected ; He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent of laHe has erected a multitude of neHe has affected to render the military independent of and supe四字成语