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51 international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in every year.It is the On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to On the conference, attend meeting to represent the consistent approval:Common festival that May 1 settles for the international proletariat.This resolution gets the international community, the From now on, every time round this international community labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, to show to celebrate. 此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。四叶草项链

幻觉的英文:hallucinationpink elephantsstardust参考例句:The involute progression of hallucination is strange.幻觉的复杂的发展过程很奇特。Her recollection seems to be a fantasy.她的回忆似乎只是一种一厢情愿的幻觉。 I have mystical visions and cosmic vibrations.我有神秘的幻觉和宇宙的震波。Tending to induce hallucinations,delusions,or other symptoms of a psychosis.Used of a drug.拟精神幻觉的能引起幻觉、幻想或其它精神病症状的,用于药物Extreme heat can create an illusion of 使神经混乱的极度影响大脑的,尤指导致幻觉的His mind could no longer distinguish bet 幻觉很多这类因素都被认为与幻觉产生有部分联系,因为它们影响了身体对精神压力的反应。Of,characterized by,or generating hallucinations,distortions of perception,altered states of a 粉红色的;政治观点偏左的,略呈左倾的;与同性恋有关的n. 粉红色;香石竹,石竹v. 刺,扎,戳;将边剪成锯齿状或扇边;发爆声,敲缸It 他被刺客射伤了。Red grades into pink.红色逐渐变成粉红色。elephants是什么意思:n. 大象They sa 大象躯体庞大。 Elephants never forget!大象绝不会忘记!到沪江小D查看幻觉的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:幻灯的英文怎么说>>緩和的英语怎么说>>缓役的英语怎么说>>缓刑的英文怎么说>>缓释的英语怎么说>>四叶草项链

害怕的英文:be afraidbe scared参考例句:Back a那个士兵害怕即将来临的死亡。Jane is timid of the bull dog简害怕那条叭喇狗。Spiders also attack the much-feared gypsy moth.蜘蛛也袭击令人害怕的舞毒蛾。To dra ——James Russell Lo他们害怕受牵连,一句话也不肯多说。 抱歉的;害怕的;担心的,生怕Are you afraid of spooks?你怕不怕鬼?Are you afraid of snakes?你怕蛇吗?The student 我们不必怕他们。 I 害怕,恐惧The thunder scared the children.雷声使孩子们受到惊吓。You did give me a scare.你真吓了我一跳。You scared me greatly.你吓死我了。That horse scares easily.那匹马易受惊。Do you get scared easily?你容易受到惊吓吗?到沪江小D查看害怕的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:害处的英文怎么说>>害虫的英文怎么说>>害病的英文怎么说>>骇人听闻的英文怎么说>>海桌山的英文怎么说>>四叶草项链

丈夫的英文:husband参考例句:The husband is usually the Bread-好工匠,坏丈夫。Her rascal of a husband她的流氓丈夫Her husband is a demon for 她丈夫是个尾桨手。Prince Consort王夫She accused her husband of setting their children against her.她责怪丈夫鼓动孩子反对她.She started proceedings against her husband for divorce.她提出与她丈夫离婚的诉讼。Unlike me,my husband likes to stay in bed.我丈夫与我相反,喜欢睡懒觉.Her husband's been on the booze again.她丈夫又不停地喝起酒来husband是什么意思:n. 丈夫v. 节俭使用He 她丈夫是个尾桨手。My husband is a golf nut.我丈夫是个高尔夫迷。 Her husband is on the loose.她丈夫生活放荡。Tell your husband not to be a cheapskate.劝劝你丈夫,叫他别那么小气。到沪江小D查看丈夫的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:掌握进攻节奏的英文怎么说>>掌握的英文怎么说>>掌声的英文怎么说>>掌上游戏机的英文怎么说>>掌上型电脑的英文怎么说>>四叶草项链

眼看春节还有不满一个月就到了,咱们周围的年味儿也是越来越浓。看着商场打折、公司开年会,也不要忘了我们中国人的传统新年习俗。比如放鞭炮,你从小玩儿到大的,但要问你英文怎么说,你可知道哇?放鞭炮:to set off firecrackers; to shoot off firecrackers注意这里的“放”这个动词,可以用set off,或者shoot off皆可;而“鞭炮”则是firecracker,或者直接用cracker也可以。童鞋们要注意firecrackers和fireworks的区别:前者是鞭炮、炮仗;而后者指的是烟火、礼花,特别是大型的户外礼花表演。那么除了放鞭炮,其他春节习俗又怎么用英语表达呢?听小编给你一一道来:吃饺子:eat dumplings; eat stuffed dumplings贴年画儿:paste New Year paintings穿新衣:put on new clothes;拿压岁钱:get Lucky money;贴春联:paste Spring Festival couplets;守岁:watch night/stay up late on New Year's Eve逛灯会:join the Lantern Festival猜灯谜:guess Lantern riddles吃汤圆:eat sweet dumplings 四叶草项链