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丑人鱼与王子【Ugly mwww.sdcme.net ermaid and prince】

更新日期:2018-11-07 00:48:59来源:网络点击:404321

Long, long ago。There is a sea China degrees, yes that's right, in the sea. The people of this country, oh it's like fish. The mermaid. However, it is ugly mermaid. Because they are a mermaid, but very ugly. They are under a curse, unless there is a human love to can die for them, otherwise never so ugly, it can. The mermaid princess died because hundreds of years ago, a wizard like she is very angry, with life under a curse. They look so ugly, not a human fall in love with they can even love to die for them without complaint. Curse, is never remove it.Ugly merman race, of course, also have the princess, she is very sad. Because she, from urinate can only take on very ugly than the disfigured with face, but to the human world to find a boy like her. It is not possible.One day, her heart fawn disorderly bump. That is how handsome a boy! When he turned around and ugly mermaid princess only solidified the feeling of the time. She just stood there quietly. No see the her favorite boy's glance before leaving.She urgently wants to greet him, but afraid he hate their ugly appearance, had to hide under the tree quietly looked at him affectionately. She felt so flatly light go on. Until one day. She saw him one more girl, very beautiful. Like the fairy fall down out of heaven, the mermaid princess hasn't let more than. She spent.Has always been silent, she stood up, said "I'm his girlfriend. Sneer at, the girl dumped the boy a slap, turned and ran away. He looked angry to me "how can you do this, the ugly woman!"No one knows how ugly the mermaid princess died. Only death and its beauty. Hear her last sentence is "I love so humble ah". The boy was dazed. I'm sorry, he said, I really love you. Although ugly mermaid princess is very ugly, but, she quietly looked at the boy every day, so persistent. The boy became a habit, can't see her, the in the mind will be disappointed. I'm sorry sorry sorry, boy will only repeat the phrase. I'm down with you. The boy finally said, kissed the ugly mermaid princess on the lips.




彩色世界独自旅行在怀念的路上 想起年幼时的那天 天真无邪的笑容 照亮着心中 每一个角落 彩色的蜡笔 是我心中的颜色 潜藏在岁月里 不停的描绘着 一道道绚丽的丝线 线条随风舞动 渐渐环绕了我的心 将它紧紧地包裹 雨开始滴..

母亲、儿子无数个黑夜里。不管在哪里。你的心里都会挂念着一个人。 你的笑容和你流的汗水。都是默默的付出。 或许他还小。他不懂、他叛逆。但是他却是你一直牵挂的人。 爱不需要太多的语言。因为他迟早都会懂。 梦想带着他奔..

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