
来源:网络 更新日期:2024-05-20 21:27 点击:16662

知识点疑惑描述:たまのおごりと はしゃぐ姿に 高手帮忙翻译下 最佳知识点讲解:兴高采烈的欢迎客人 —— dahufu44不知道处于什么语境中可能是偶尔的请一次客,倒也还挺起劲的不才 —— 天然卷我也来虚拟个环境:把偶尔的一次请客和人们欢闹的身影联系到一起是多么让人兴奋的一件事啊。。。。。。如果你能提供完整的句子会更好呵呵~不知满意否? —— jxd2004612最后的歌词翻译是“等待着不开花的浮萍结果的时刻在冷天熬夜的时候喝点酒 决定偶而奢侈着以欢闹的姿态和你同行在街上。。。。。。。。。”呵呵,这个是我的翻译 —— yj8582圆盘

知识点疑惑描述:怎样提高劳动者的工作效率,这是近几年来世界上许多国家面临的问题。有些专家主张用工作多样化的办法来解决这一问题。另外一些专家认为钱能刺激工人。用钱来促进生产效率可能达到何种程度?劳动者本人肯定认为这是重要的问题。但也许他们只所以追求更多的报酬只是因为他们所从事的工作台乏味,而金钱正好使他们更好地享受业余时间。类似这样的理由也可以用来说明工人为什么要求说短工作时间。最佳知识点讲解:Ho In addition, some experts think money can stimulate But maybe they only so pursue more pay just because they are engaged in —— And to Such kind of reasons may also tell us Some experts claim that Money to promote production efficiency may to Similar to the reason for this may also be used to justify Some experts claim that this problem could be address by diversifying the jobs. Others think that money can stimulate Perhaps the —— summerdwee圆盘

知识点疑惑描述:别人要结婚,但是还没结婚,这怎么说最佳知识点讲解:1. congratulations! i'm sure you t I heard you're getting married. Congratulations! 3. congratulations to the bride and groom. 4. may you have a .. and very best niubb.netindex.php?uid/281/action/viewspace/itemid/3374/php/1 —— 钥匙4461nothing further to add on top of the comprehensive answer provided by key4461 —— llcedeMerry your would-be wedding!------------------------------------------楼上的说了一大堆都没说到点子上^_^ —— cuhkHope your newly married a happy pair!要我就会直接这么说 —— babyirisHappy Wedding! 新婚愉快! —— pierohrHappy Wedding既简单又实惠 —— kristry0708Happy wedding ,wish you have a wonderful marriage —— maggie1025其实不必那么麻烦。。。Happy wedding是最口语的说法了 —— 殷木冼圆盘

知识点疑惑描述:谢谢最佳知识点讲解:It is high time that+从句 = It is time that+从句该是...的时候了.从句后要用虚拟语气.如: It is time that 我们该睡觉了.是我们该睡觉的时候了.值得注意的是: 这种表达方法语气虽然是虚拟的,但是可以实现的,可以做的事情.It is time that+从句: 意义上等于 ....ought to do sth. —— lydiebleuhttp://netdispbbs.asp?boardID=70&ID=538232 keepingfly 的节目有介绍过。ID前面没有;的,不知道怎么去掉~~ —— liang_shenIt is high time that + 虚拟从句:该/正是做。。。的时候了。如:It is high time that 正是我们开会的时间了。 —— feizhouliu是时候该做...了要用过去时 —— sallyyanrongIt is high time that+从句 = It is time that+从句该是...的时候了. —— 袁依雯是该做……什么的时候了 —— gucci_flora圆盘

知识点疑惑描述:原题是Tom,looking out;look up B.looking up;look overC.looking over;look up D.looking up;look over最佳知识点讲解:浏览 —— herrylen把....看一遍。我想把你的火车时间再看一遍 —— dongniubb.netdictionary/look_1 —— gdliujunhuiB & D 答案一样啊? —— qlliu1look over 是不注重细节地查看,可以译为“看一看”、“浏览”“打量一下”。 —— 王泽20110818圆盘