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Good listening skills make 能够察觉说话人的言外之意。Ho以下建议能够帮助你提高听力效果。做到以下这些,你也能够让对方感受到你对他很重视。*maintain eye contact;保持眼神接触;*don't interrupt the speaker;不要打断对方;*sit still;坐着不要乱动;*nod your head;不时地点点头;*lean to Look for non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and posture to get the full gist of 注意以下各个因素,这些可能会影响到你听人讲话。*bias or prejudice;感情倾向,或是对某些事物的偏见;*language differences or accents;语言不通或者说话人讲方言;*noise;附近有噪音;* Kids have an uncanny ability to appear to be listening to you They 如果你有小孩子的话你就会知道,对着像一堵墙一样的人讲话是什么感觉。孩子实际上并没有听你在讲什么,但是他们具备这种让你看似他们在听的能力。随着年龄的增长,人的身体有些机能可能会下降,那么想练就好的听力,就要从娃娃抓起。这样,他们在学校里表现会更出色,家长也能省点心。正如SCANS的调查报告显示,良好的听力能够帮助孩子在今后的工作中最终走向成功。新春课程温暖上线,春季,和网校一起成长!中级口译春季班高级口译春季班商务英语BEC【初级春季班】HOT!商务英语BEC【中级春季班】国家烟草专卖局

Have you ever If one male extended an open hand to another, this Suffice it to say the handshake Here's ho手掌贴手掌,有力地握住另一个人的手。Hands are pumped t松开手。You can definitely practice extending great handshakes 你可以和朋友、家人联系,这样确定舒服的握手方式。和朋友一起尝试比和陌生人要容易得多。Handshake Types握手类型The Hand Hug:The "handhug" is a popular type of handshake often used by politicians. This shake This shake is said to display confidence and po Usually the female presents her outstretched hand and the recipient grasps only a fe He or she may feel intruded upon or inconvenienced and the handshake Many cultures have personalized the handshake for use 日常生活中除了握手还有很多其他替代方式。很多文化中有着特定的握手方式。以下是一些例子。The "jiveshake" or "black man's shake," is associated This shake is also a familiar greeting amongst men in some 国家烟草专卖局

潸然泪下的英文:1.tears trickling do 流泪;撕掉;扰乱My old pants have a tear. 我的旧裤子上有一个裂口。 The accident unlocked a flood of tears.这个意外让他的眼泪流了出来。Tears 移动vbl. 移动trickle hydrodesulfurizatio滴淋氢化脱硫 To cause to trickle.使淌,使滴,使成细流 Some donations are already trickling in.一些捐赠已经陆续到来。do 下降,打倒n. 潦倒;羽绒;丘陵Do 关掉了汽车工业你也就关掉了钢铁工业和橡胶工业。到沪江小D查看潸然泪下的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:煽情的英文怎么说>>煽惑的英文怎么说>>煽动情绪的英文怎么说>>煽动的英文怎么说>>搧你的英文怎么说>>国家烟草专卖局

Rifca Stanescu gave birth to her daughter Maria 在她年仅13岁的时候就生下了一个女儿!而现在她12岁的女儿Maria又有了一个2岁大的儿子。Despite Rifca Stanescu’s pleas for her daughter Maria to stay in school, the 11-year-old girl ran a尽管Rifca努力劝说女儿,让她留在学校,而11岁的女儿还是离家出走,在外和别人结婚还怀孕了。没错,她的女儿当时只有11岁!历史又重演了。At the age of 11, Rifca ran a “I am happy to be a grandmother but I Boys are al Rifca 已经订婚了?有些奇怪啊,但是在罗马尼亚吉普赛文化中这种行为是非常正常的。Rifca在2岁的时候也跟别人定过婚,只不过当她一遇见Ionel,就违背了家族的意志和Ionel私奔了。“我想嫁给他,所以我就答应了,当然在我们俩在那一夜私定终身之后就没有人能把我们分开了。”Rifca解释说。In gypsy culture, virginity is greatly prized and girls marry young so that their ne After Maria’s birth, Ionel’s family paid Rifca’s father a do “I did not try to stop my daughter getting married because this is the tradition,” she says, “it’s what happens.“所以当Maria决定11岁结婚时,Rifca什么也做不了。“我没有努力的去阻止我女儿结婚,因为这就是传统,”她说,“就是这样。”国家烟草专卖局

提议为…干杯的英文:to propose a toast to...propose是什么意思:v. 提议,建议;计划;求婚They are favorable to the proposal. 他们赞同这项提议。 They 所建议的办法是行得通的。Inevitably, the proposal is running into difficulties.提案意料之中地遭遇了麻烦。toast是什么意思:n. 吐司;干杯;广受赞誉的人v. 烘烤;敬酒;烤火,取暖They toasted their teacher.他们举杯向老师敬酒。Have you toasted the bread?你烤面包片了吗?I burnt the toast.我把面包烤糊了。They toasted the signing of the ne她是巴黎最受推崇的人。到沪江小D查看提议为…干杯的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:提议的英文怎么说>>提要用英语怎么说>>提言用英文怎么说>>提醒的英文怎么说>>提心吊胆的英文怎么说>>国家烟草专卖局