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病人的英文:sick personpatientinvalid参考例句:The patient is complaining of acute earache.病人说耳部剧痛。An old or sick person is often feeble.老人或病人往往很虚弱。Try this on and mesmerize your patients.试试看,催眠你的病人。Diabetic patients; a diabetic coma.糖尿病病人;糖尿病昏迷diabetic patients;a diabetic coma.糖尿病病人;糖尿病昏迷,These bones are for the sick.这些肉骨头是给病人的。A patient A doctor 病人adj. 病的,有病的;想呕吐的,恶心的;渴望的v. 攻击,使狗去咬It 这些肉骨头是给病人的。The sick child 人;身体;外表,容貌;人称A 你真是个讨要的人。patient是什么意思:adj. 有耐性的n. 病人The patient did not respond to treatment. 病人经治疗後未见起色。The doctor s他变得忍耐和沉默了。到沪江小D查看病人的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:病情的英语怎么说>>病魔的英文>>病例的英文怎么说>>病历的英文怎么说>>病理科的英文>>因为遇见你

邮递员的英文:postman参考例句:a postman's pouch邮递员的邮袋The postman al邮递员把信从门底下塞入。Has the postman been ?邮递员来过吗?The postman delivered the letters promptly.邮递员投递信件很迅速。The postman al邮递员送信件。He gave the postman a letter他把一封信交给邮递员。Our dog 邮递员把信件装入邮袋中。The duty of a postman is to deliver letters and parcels.送信和邮包是邮递员份内的事。The postman plonked the mail bag on the floor.邮差把邮包咚地一声扔在地板上。The lobby is empty but for the postman and his broom.大厅里除了邮差和他的扫帚以外别无他人。 The postman ran away with the dog nipping at his heel.邮递员跑开了,狗在身后紧追着要咬他。 到沪江小D查看邮递员的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:邮递协议的英文>>邮递的英文怎么说>>邮差的英文怎么说>>邮编用英文怎么说>>邮包炸弹用英文怎么说>>因为遇见你

缺口的英文:nick参考例句:The actual control condition at the root of the notch is more problematic在缺口根部的实际控制条件是更难捉摸的。Nicked or notched;jagged.粗糙的有缺口或V型凹痕的;参差不齐的Backrind is a distortion that occurs at the mold parting line and leaves a ragged indentation in the partBackrind是指分模线上扭曲,导致制件上出现粗糙的缺口Financing gap筹资缺口,资金缺口,财政缺口Investment gap投资缺口Deflationary gap通货紧缩缺口Fiscal gap财政缺口 刻痕;逮捕He 他在汽车挡泥板上划了道裂痕。NICK and Amber are chatting 戴维坐在那里,好像被尼克的声音迷住了似的。到沪江小D查看缺口的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:缺课的英文怎么说>>缺货用英文怎么说>>缺乏想像力的的英文怎么说>>缺乏外毛细胞的英文怎么说>>缺乏生活必需品的的英文怎么说>>因为遇见你

教训的英文:teach someone or learn a lesson参考例句:Let him cool his heels for a 不经痛苦羞辱难以取得教训。The teacher had a stick for any of us 其中有一个教训是和委内瑞拉马脑炎疫情得到的教训类似。The accident is a salutary lesson;I'll never drink and drive again.这一事故是一个有益的教训;我再也不酒後开车了。The accident 那次意外是个有益的教训,我再也不酒后驾车了。teach是什么意思:v. 教,教会,教导,教授,训练Experience teaches经验给人教训Implement affective teaching to improve English teaching quality.实施英语情感教育提高英语教学质量。Can you teach me the drill?你能教我正确的作法吗?someone是什么意思:pron. 有人,某人n. 重要人物,有名气的人Someone has tampered 有人乱动过电路。Someone left this for you.有人把这留给你。learn是什么意思:v. 学习;认识到;记住;获悉;教训Live to learn and learn to live生而学之,学而生之Learn not and know not不学无术There is no shortcut to learning.学问无捷径。到沪江小D查看教训的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:教学组的英文怎么说>>教学有方用英文怎么说>>教学用具的英文怎么说>>教学仪器的英文怎么说>>教学人员的英文>>因为遇见你

/冷淡丨desolate。谁的心动 在意温唇°sunshine胭脂ㄨ The death of love深渊 Nefertari深呼吸 Deep breathsEdinburgh° 南空BLUE 16°深蓝梦境凉城 〔Triste anima〕Tout-An.诺粞恋旧°OldTimeless。落尘Sadness 无心的人IIIS 禁语草aphasIa傀儡 crossing out°温流 心弦摆布°Manipula遗忘.Forgotten.心计 Female゜梦 寐? Zahara恋战 WhiteInte东霓◢  -dream守望信仰 ║ Soul放纵的情欲,heart2洫暗.Ⅱ lonely怀魂 Layoomiety゜ゆ、 流苏 Forget。诱惑 Marlboro狗狐狸 Enchanting煞有介事 Full Version旧人梦﹌ Curtain°囚心锁 Soul ≈贫尼已有夫/destroyらˋ悸动  palpitation执着 Paranoid *碎花裙.≡Elegant温瞳 Sou1ゝ牵绊 °sunset地平线 horizon°魔方 - D3ath” -亡魂▍/情绪控 Design -流年碎 jonathan淡定 Composure゜一见倾心  -Sunshinelong engagement -避风港Smiling at me﹌嫣然淡颜 DITOP倾城°Allure LoveDe Ja Vu 幻觉记忆- 栀子Scent flavor多优?Pick yi ?゛偷腥的猫 Gentle一段一情一世纪 ら Only温存° d3sTiny-怯生生 cowardly▼温存﹏Tendernessぅ花黎 Pun3ma”醉凡尘¢ World1yEmotion 香樟花茶Monstar 8°Charm 猫姬 Superficial° 浮浅Chafferer 迷心silent 黑白年代Eternally 永恒One、Life 独厮守 ぢ.Nostalgia 留恋Glu TtoNy 沉沦因为遇见你