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叠被子的英文:fold up the quilt参考例句:You are asked to lat up the quilt after getting up.起床后,你得叠被子。fold是什么意思:v. 折叠,对折;交叠;包;失败,垮台,关闭n. 褶痕;褶皱;羊圈Parallel fold: Folding a sheet 横摺:与纸卷成直角的屈摺。To coil or fold or cause to coil or fold in overlapping 皱纹,波状,褶痕 The flap folds do 被子v. 加软衬料后缝制;缝被子;东拼西凑地编This is a group of friends at a quilting bee.这是聚会上的一群好友。The soldiers fold up their quilts into cubes.战士们的被子叠得四四方方。A patch应定期将羊毛被抖松并晾晒以保持其柔软性。To make into a quilt by stitching together.缝被把缝合在一起的制成被子 到沪江小D查看叠被子的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:谍报的英文>>迭嵌接的英文怎么说>>迭起的英文怎么说>>跌停板的英文怎么说>>跌落用英语怎么说>>四川成都一周天气预报

目的地的英文:destination参考例句:Invalid Destination目的地无效Ex quayprice目的地码头交货价The Fifth Avenue. 表示一种典型的美国空中客运模式:乘客在大型的中心机场之间被运送,然后再转机前往靠近目的地的支线机 EX ship price ; free overside price目的地船上交货价F.O.B destination point目的地交货价At 不是冤家不聚头。Their attempt is destined to failure.他们的企图注定要失败。This money is destined for a ne但我命中注定是你的母亲。That land is destined for a new hospital.那块地预定要盖家新医院。到沪江小D查看目的地的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:目的的英文怎么说>>目次的英文怎么说>>目测用英文怎么说>>目不识丁的英文怎么说>>目標的英文怎么说>>四川成都一周天气预报

青色的英文:chingcyandark blue参考例句:Moist pith of farls of bread, the froggreen 黄色与绿色混合之后就形成了青色。The remainder of the prompt is colored in cyan.提示符中的其余部分则设置为青色。Values of "0, 255, 255" 就在两鬓太阳穴上面显露着青色的细小静脉。For example, a line dra发绀,青紫由于血液中的氧不充足而产生的皮肤和黏膜的带青色的变色Dra绘制法线:开关法线绘制,如果开启,面上的法线将以青色线段绘制。 Their faces 蓝绿色的n. 蓝绿色The cyan vase is from Ikea.蓝绿色的花瓶来自宜家。The remainder of the prompt is colored in cyan.提示符中的其余部分则设置为青色。For example, a line dra 黑暗,暗处,无知,模糊,暧昧adj.深的;微黑的,邪恶的,坏的,无知的,蒙昧的It 里面又漆黑又可怕。That was a shot in the dark. 这支箭是瞎放的。到沪江小D查看青色的英文翻译>>翻译推荐:青柠汁的英文怎么说>>青柠檬黄油扒三文鱼的英文怎么说>>青年志愿者协会的英文怎么说>>青年時代用英文怎么说>>青年时代的英文怎么说>>四川成都一周天气预报

录音机的英文:tape recording machinetape recorder参考例句:Audio cassette recorder录音机a multitrack tape recorder.多声道的录音机I have a tape recorder.我有录音机。The recorder is different in color from that of original sample.录音机的颜色不同于原样的样品。The recorder costs 500 dollars.这台录音机值五百美元。audio and video recorders and players录音机或音响回放装置、录像或放映机、未经录制介体 Audio-visual aids for the classroom,eg cassette recorders,video recorders, pictures,etc课堂视听教具. Colour television sets and TV kinescope; Radios, tape recorders and their main parts彩色电视机及显像管:收、录音机及其机芯a mono recorder单声道录音机 用带子绑起,用胶布把…粘牢;录音to breast the tape冲过终点线 magnetic tape transport磁带走带机构 tape transport mechanism走带机构 recording是什么意思:n. 唱片,录音带,录像带;录音,录制adj. 记录A stereo recording,record,cassette,system立体声的录音、唱片、盒式磁带、音响设备.The tape-四川成都一周天气预报

1. Note-taking symbols and abbreviations for your reference:备战考试,快乐学习:2010年口译备考小组 等你来参加>>Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references.S = sumf = frequencyLeave out periods in standard abbreviations.cf = comparee.g. = exampledept = departmentUse only the first syllable of a pres = presentationsubj = subjectind = individualcons = conservativeEliminate final letters. Use just enough of the ppd = preparedprblm = problemestmt = estimatebkgd = backgroundgvt = governmentUse an apostrophe in place of letters.am't = amountcont'd = continuedgov't = governmenteducat'l = educationalForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated ckg = checkingestg = establishingdecrg = decreasingexptg = experimentingSpell out short Leave out unimportant If a term,四川成都一周天气预报